Sunday, September 25, 2011

King Cobra – Snake of all Snakes

King Cobra
Kingdom:  Animalia
Scientific Name:  Ophiophagus Hannah
Class:  Reptilia
Order:  Squamata
Suborder:  Serpentes
Family:  Elapidae
Genus:  Ophiophagus
Species:  O. hannah
Average Length:  5.7 m
Average Weight:  44 lb (20 kg)

These snakes are live in the rain forests in Southern India. King Cobra inhabits India, southern China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and the dense highland forests of southeastern Asia.  

It’s a shy and lonesome creature, which prefers to lead an isolated life. It tries to avoid contact with humans as far as possible.  Their habitat is deep in the forest, the remote areas.  

The most poisonous snake in the world. A single drop of venom is enough to kill 100 men.
 Even though the name suggest otherwise, King cobra is not of the same Genus as the other cobras.

For King Cobra the water is not a barrier. They’re gifted swimmers.

King Cobras diet consisting mainly of other snakes, which are mostly non-poisonous. It may also eat small vertebrates, such as lizards.

They change their skins 3 or 4 times a year. In that time they stay in the bushes for 10 days or more without food. When the skin has been changed the hungry snake is ready for his hunt. All the parts of the snake are replaced by the new skin.

 In dry seasons they search for their mate. If two male cobras fighting for one female, they will fight each other without using their venom. They just dancing and try to put the other snakes head down. If they do so the winner will be ready for the mate.    

Cobras are Oviparous animals. It is the only snake covering the eggs with the nest. The nest will be constructed with a unique way. The snake itself uses his body and builds the nest using the dry leafs and other things.

 The eggs are safely in the nest in a particular temperature, when the rain season comes it’s the right time to hatch the eggs.


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